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Imposition of some conditions. World Bank's consent to be involved in Padma Bridge

The Dhaka Times Desk Finally, the World Bank has agreed to renew its loan agreement on the Padma Bridge. The events and speculations of the past few months are coming to an end. The World Bank has agreed to be involved in the Padma Bridge project again under certain conditions.
কতিপয় শর্ত আরোপ ॥ পদ্মা সেতুতে সম্পৃক্ত হতে বিশ্বব্যাংকের সম্মতি 1
The World Bank has agreed to be involved in the Padma Bridge project again under certain conditions. At the same time, the organization has informed the government that no concession will be made regarding corruption in the bridge project. They will take strict stand against any illegal activities. After the Bangladesh government agreed to fulfill these conditions, the World Bank announced its involvement in the bridge project at midnight on Thursday, September 20.

According to the World Bank statement in this regard, the government has agreed to take the necessary steps as a precondition for the implementation of the new project.


Opportunity for close monitoring of the new procurement system of the project to ensure transparency in the construction work of # Bridge
# To carry out fair, free and expeditious investigation work
# review the work of the investigation and provide relevant information to the government and the World Bank
# constitutes an internationally recognized independent panel for ECA

These conditions include

Opportunities for greater and closer monitoring of the project's new procurement system to ensure transparency in bridge construction. To carry out fair, free and expeditious investigation work. Formation of an internationally recognized independent panel to review the investigation and provide information to the government and the World Bank. In this regard, a government source told Ittefaq that the World Bank delegation is coming to Bangladesh within the next week. After they come, it will be decided how to proceed with the implementation of the project. But it can be said for sure, now the awareness of donors will increase a lot in every step of this project.

In September last year, after raising allegations of corruption in the Padma Bridge project, the World Bank had given the government several conditions.

Notable among these conditions

Resignation of former Communications Minister Syed Abul Hossain, sending the officers on leave, formation of a 3-member panel of investigative expert panel skilled in international investigation and prosecution. The World Bank canceled the loan agreement of 1.2 billion dollars last June 29 by accusing the government of 'corruption conspiracy' because the government did not pay much attention to fulfilling these conditions. The cancellation announcement said the World Bank's investigative arm had previously informed the Bangladesh government of "credible evidence of corruption" related to the financing of the project. At the same time, the Bangladesh government was asked to fulfill several conditions to associate the World Bank with the project. But the government failed to fulfill those conditions.

After the cancellation of funding, the government became active in this regard. Former Communications Minister Syed Abul Hossain resigned on July 23 following the terms of the World Bank. Former Secretary of Bridge Department Mosharraf Hossain Bhuiyan was sent on leave. Similarly, the contractual appointment of Rafiqul Islam, project director of the Padma Bridge project, was cancelled. Apart from this, the Anti-Corruption Commission also accepted the issue of setting up an internationally recognized independent panel. Later, it is known that under the terms of the World Bank, the Prime Minister's economic adviser. There was also the matter of Masiur Rahman going on leave. Two days ago, news was published in the country's media that Masiur Rahman had gone on leave, but no official statement has been made by the Prime Minister's Office or the government so far. However, it is known from the related sources that the head of government himself has given assurance to the World Bank about going on vacation.

According to official sources, the loan period of Japan's international aid agency JICA has expired on September 21 and ADB's period will expire on September 30. JICA and ADB will be requested to extend the term of the loan agreement to return to the World Bank project.

According to sources in the Ministry of Finance, an official statement will be made on September 23 or September 24 regarding the World Bank's return to the Padma Bridge project. Finance Minister Abul Mal Abdul Muhith said that the work of Padma Bridge will start next February.

The main work on the bridge will start in October next year

Professor Jamilur Reza Chowdhury, President of Padma Bridge Project Special Panel, told reporters that if we consider pile driving as the start of the main work of the bridge, the work will start in October next year. That means it will take one year to start the main work from now. We have 5 package jobs here. It will take 6 to 7 months to complete these works, tenders, contracts with contractors. Hope this will be completed in April 2013. Then the mobilization will begin. All in all, we hope to start the work in October. In response to the question whether the cost of the bridge will increase, he said that the cost will increase slightly. Earlier it was said that the work of the bridge will start in 2012 and will be completed in 2015 or 2016. But now we cannot start work in 2012. A year late. That will increase the cost. However, it is not possible to say how much it will increase at the moment.

Full statement from the World Bank

Late on September 20, the World Bank announced its involvement in the Padma Bridge project. According to the statement in this regard, the bank had announced the cancellation of IDA loan of 1.2 billion dollars for the Padma multipurpose bridge project on June 29. Earlier, the World Bank's Investigative Unit presented credible evidence of corruption in the Padma Bridge project to the Government of Bangladesh and the World Bank, in order to remain involved in the project, identified a number of clear and specific steps to be implemented by the Government which the Government of Bangladesh could not fulfill. These include (a) the suspension of public officials and public officials (bureaucrats and political appointees) from official duties pending the completion of investigations; b) Appointing a Special Investigation Team in the Bangladesh Anti-Corruption Commission to investigate the allegations; c) The Government's consent to full and adequate access to all information relevant to the investigation to a World Bank-appointed panel of internationally recognized experts so that the panel can guide development partners on the progress, comprehensiveness and integrity of the investigation. (d) Agreeing on alternative implementation arrangements to allow the World Bank and donor partners to more closely monitor project procurement activities.

After the loan cancellation, the Government of Bangladesh has taken necessary measures to fulfill the above steps. The Bangladesh government has started taking action against the evidence of corruption identified by the World Bank. The World Bank believes that all government officials suspected of involvement in project corruption have been suspended from official duties until the investigation is completed and an open and fair investigation is underway.

While announcing these steps, the Bangladesh government requested the World Bank to reconsider the financing of the Padma multi-purpose bridge. The government has agreed to take necessary steps as a precondition for implementation of the new.

These include

Greater and closer monitoring of the project's new procurement system to ensure transparency in bridge construction; To carry out fair, free and expeditious investigative work; and formation of an independent external panel to review the investigation and provide relevant information to the Government and the World Bank.

With the satisfactory implementation of agreed measures by the Government and the support of the World Bank Governing Body, the World Bank has agreed to re-engage in the Padma Multipurpose Bridge.

The World Bank will not make any concessions regarding any form of corruption in the Padma Bridge project and our firm stand against any illegal activities will never change. If properly implemented, the Padma Bridge will bring immense potential and change for the people of Bangladesh. Transparent use of public funds, proper implementation of projects and a modern and high-quality bridge that will accelerate the growth and development of the country - this is the right and the right of the people of Bangladesh.

The World Bank signed an agreement with Bangladesh in April last year to invest $1.2 billion in the Padma Bridge project. The total estimated cost of the construction of this bridge was 290 million dollars or equivalent to 20 thousand 507 million taka. Of this, the World Bank has pledged a maximum of $1.5 billion in financing, which is about 52 percent of the total cost. Out of this agreement was signed for a loan of 1.2 billion dollars. It is said that the World Bank will give another 300 million dollars if necessary. In addition to the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank is expected to give 615 million dollars, Japan 400 million dollars, Islamic Development Bank or IDB 140 million dollars for the implementation of the bridge project.

Welcomed by the Communications Minister

Communication Minister Obaidul Quader welcomed the decision of the World Bank. He said, with this decision, the uncertainty of World Bank financing for the construction of the bridge has started to be cut. The minister said this in response to a question from reporters while inspecting the construction progress of Sontala bridge at Ullapara in Sirajganj yesterday. He said that some systematic and procedural work has to be done between the two parties. This will require some time.

In response to another question from the journalists, the minister said that there is no chance to withdraw from the promise made by the Prime Minister to start the construction of Padma Bridge within the remaining period of the government's tenure. He said, we want to work for the country - for the people of the country. Whatever is necessary will be done.

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