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No more pedals on bicycles, convert bicycles to autobikes

The Dhaka Times Desk Bicycles can easily be converted into autobikes or electric bikes. Team Ruby has developed a portable drive that can be mounted or attached to all types of bicycles to convert them into electric bikes.


There are many ways to convert a bicycle into an autobike or an electric bike. By far the easiest method is Ruby Drive. Bike conversion process is very easy with Ruby Drive. A Ruby drive can be mounted on a bicycle in just a few seconds. The most interesting thing is that the Robi Drive is easily portable. Multiple bicycles can also be used. Needless to say, it can be opened easily and safely. The drive is battery operated. It takes only 2 hours to fully charge once. The portable beauty of this drive weighs only 6 kg.

Ruby works based on very simple rules. It works by exploiting the religion of friction. An electric wheel is attached to the ruby. The wheel spins while on. As it rotates, it turns the wheel attached to it and moves it forward. As a result, a rider can ride a bicycle without pedaling.

Ruby is funding the drive Kickstarter An organization called The company invests in a variety of creative projects. They are now collecting donations online. the maker The Ruby Team According to, several steps have to be completed before Ruby Drive comes to the market. There is certification work with some examinations. Commercial license will be required before final debut.


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