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Illustrated: The Story of a Terrible Angry Animal Hippopotamus

The Dhaka Times Desk A terrible angry animal, the hippopotamus. We watch zoos or geography channels. There are many things unknown to us about this majesty.


We often see hippos in zoos. There are hippopotamus in Dhaka Zoo. But if we want to watch this terrifying creature at home then we have to watch Geography Channel. They are occasionally seen on Geography or Discovery Channel.

When we see hippos in the zoo, we feel how gentle and soft their nature is. But do we know how dangerous this beast can be when angry? If you don't shake them too much, that is, if you don't disturb them in any way, then they will seem like innocent animals!

This hippopotamus is common in the forests of Africa. This water elephant has been imported from abroad in the zoo of our country.


Introduction to Hippopotamus

The most dangerous animal in Africa is the hippopotamus, which we know as the hippopotamus. It has been reported that more people die from elephant bites than lions, crocodiles or snake bites. Osain Bolt, the world's fastest human, can run 30 miles per hour, but a hippopotamus can run much faster than that. More than 400 people are said to have been killed by a mauled hippo in Africa.

Description of hippopotamus

A hippopotamus can weigh up to 9,000 pounds. Their cheek teeth are sharper than blades. Hippos mainly eat grass. Hippopotamus has no experience of catching and eating humans. But for some reason, if it gets upset once, it can bite and crush it. Then they lose their sense of purpose.


When they get angry

Hippopotamus may look innocent but they are actually very ferocious animals. Most attacks occur when hippos roam on land. When they are in the water, the only danger is if someone walks over their heads with a boat. They then get very angry. Understanding the situation, the boatman managed to escape quickly, but the other passengers in the boat were in danger. These hippos attacked them. This is how this large animal hippopotamus of the African region has become known to people. Source: Online.

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