The Dhaka Times
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Finally Ritvik Roshan and Suzanne Khan divorce!

The Dhaka Times Desk Bollywood hero Hrithik Roshan and Sussanne have ended their 17-year long relationship, confirmed by Hrithik Roshan himself!


Suzanne Khan and Hrithik Roshan's family started 13 years ago in 2000, even before that, the relationship between the two people is about 17 years! But due to various reasons, the conflict is going on in the family of Ritvik and Suzanne for a long time, as a result of which, various discussions about the separation of this couple arise in the media. Finally, Hrithik himself gave a statement to the Indian media about his and Sussanne Haque's separation.


Hrithik said in his statement to the media, “Suzanne Khan broke up with me while doing her own thing, our 17 years of acquaintance ended last Friday. Suzanne is now at her father's house. I hope the media will respect my privacy in this matter."


Bollywood's hugely popular hero Hrithik Roshan is currently resting after undergoing a special operation on his brain.

Source: NDTV

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