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Popular musical band LRB has announced the withdrawal of Bamba's membership

The Dhaka Times Desk The popular band of Bangladesh LRB has announced to quit the membership of Bangladesh Musical Bands Association (BAMBA). Because Ayub Bachchu has mentioned two things which are not like inevitable situation and settlement.


Bangladesh Musical Bands Association (Bamba) was established in 1987, but Ayub Bachchu became a member with his own band LRB in 1991 after the establishment of LRB. LRB frontman and vocalist Ayub Bachchu posted a resignation letter on his Facebook page on Friday night. The resignation letter was published in English by Ayub Bachchu. It read, "We (LARB) withdraw ourselves from the membership of Bangladesh Musical Bands Association (BAMBA) with effect from March 14, and for life."


However, in the application for withdrawal from membership, the LRB stated that the time spent at Bamba was very enjoyable and will always be remembered by the LRB.

Meanwhile, it is known from various sources about why LRB left Bamba. Basically, this decision of LRB is based on the dispute over singing in the T20 World Cup with Miles, another band in Bangladesh. Two of the country's top bands, LRB and Miles, were supposed to perform at the T20 World Cup concert on Thursday, but a conflict arose between the two bands over LRB performing on the stage before Miles."


Meanwhile, what actually happened at the T20 World Cup celebration? On this day, the event manager of the concert, Gray Advertising, was contacted on behalf of the company Saiful Azim  A modiyake "Due to Miles not being on the field on time, LRB was given the stage at Miles' scheduled time, as LRB was supposed to perform after Miles."

On behalf of Miles, Shafin Ahmed said in an audio message posted on Facebook earlier, "LRB did not allow them to go on stage at the World Cup celebration, but Miles appeared in front of the stage with all the band members at the scheduled time."

Shafin Ahmed also said, 'The way the program was arranged that day, Arnav, Souls and then we were supposed to play. We arrived at the field on time in the evening. When the Souls had just finished their part, they came down. Then we Miles fully with all the members present.”

In an 11 minute 42 second video message uploaded on Thursday night, Shafin Ahmed said, “Particularly this one band, who have been playing such a role, with many for years and playing a big game today, may be thinking of themselves. Very victorian. But trust me, the game has just begun. I think we have taken enough.”

Meanwhile, the LRB has not commented on Anna Miles' complaint against them. However, regarding the audio posted on Facebook, Saiful Azim said, “It is unprofessional, disrespectful and ridiculous.”

It is noted that Miles is currently one of the founding members of Bamba Hamin Ahmed. Prior to this, the founding president Maksudul Haque too Bamba resigned from his executive position in 2011, alleging discrimination between big and small bands.

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