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How to remove the scratch of your phone?

The Dhaka Times Desk Due to various reasons, scratches can occur on our daily necessary phones, especially on the phone screen. Once scratched there is nothing left to do. Many people try to remove scratches in various ways, but in that case, it is seen that instead of removing scratches, more scratches are created. Today we will present to the readers of The Dhaka Times how you can remove the scratches on your phone with the materials at hand.



It may come as a surprise to many, but it actually does a pretty good job of removing phone scratches. Take a small amount of toothpaste on a soft cloth. Then move the soft cloth around your phone screen and clean the screen until the stain is gone. Use another soft cloth to clean the toothpaste off the screen.

Baking soda

Baking Soda and Acne

You can use baking powder to remove phone scratches. Make a mixture of 2 parts baking powder and 1 part water in a bowl. Care should be taken that the mixture should be like a paste. Rub the paste onto the screen using a soft cloth. Then wipe the screen using a soft cloth.

Talcum powder

Mix talcum powder with water to make a paste and then gently rub the top of the screen with a soft and light cloth. You will see that the unwanted spots on the screen are gone.

Vegetable oil

Many of us may not know that vegetable oil works very well to remove minor or hidden blemishes. Rub a drop of vegetable oil on your screen to remove stains.

What to clean the smartphone with?

Microfiber cloth

2505 cloth

Nowadays, this type of cloth is also offered with smartphone screen protectors. With this you can simultaneously clean anything including fingerprints or other stains from the phone screen and other parts.

Cotton bud


In some cases it works better than microfiber cloths. It can be used to remove various types of stains. With the help of this, it is possible to easily remove the stains in different corners of the phone.

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