The Dhaka Times
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In Naogaon, a python has swallowed a fox alive!

The Dhaka Times Desk We occasionally see a tiger devouring a deer or a large python swallowing an animal whole on the Geography Channel. But this time such an incident happened in Naogaon. A python swallowed a fox alive!

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An online news media, Sahayogi, reported that a ravenous fox was preyed upon by a hungry python in the Altadighi National Park in Dhamirhat, Naogaon. To satisfy hunger pangs, the huge python started eating a fox whole on the night of July 6. News from

Quoting local residents, the news media said that after the fox was caught by the python, about half a hundred foxes started screaming to protect it. Local villagers panicked and came to the spot with sticks. The presence of people caused the other foxes to run away, but the hungry python did not let go of its prey. Villagers flocked to the forest at night to catch a glimpse of the sight of the fox being eaten. When this news spread around, many people flocked to see this unprecedented scene of eating the python's share.

A resident of that area said, 'We have seen such scenes on various television channels, I never thought that I would see such a scene of python being eaten by a fox.'

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