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This time, researchers have announced the creation of urine-powered robots

The Dhaka Times Desk Earlier we saw scientists discover new human tooth cells from human urine And Mobile phone charger with urine made, this time the researchers announced the creation of a urine-powered robot.


Human urine has special powers and currently researchers are thinking of making various things from that power and using it. Now the researchers say that robots can be made with the energy obtained from human urine. In particular, no need to use any electricity or separate battery to run the robot, this robot will run with the energy obtained from the urine.

A group of researchers from the University of West England and the University of Bristol conducted this urine study and they said, “We have been able to create a robot engine that can run itself on energy from urine and does not require any electricity or battery charging from electricity. "


They also said, “The robot engine room pumps all kinds of urine, be it human or any other animal, into it and can hold 24.5 ml of urine at a time. After that, starting the engine will generate the electricity required to run the robot from the urine and the robot will be able to do its job.”

In fact, there are many in the urine of humans and other animals microorganisms From which electricity and carbon dioxide can be produced.

However, the scientists also said that this robot engine that they discovered is capable of producing electricity from contaminated water, vegetables, etc. in addition to urine. Scientists have named this future robot made of urine 'EcoBots'.

Source: The TechJournal

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