The Dhaka Times
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Changing house: not a house but a castle!

The Dhaka Times Desk Imagine you have a house but there are no doors or windows in that house, yet you live comfortably in it. No one will even know that you live in this house! Of course, you may want such a house if you want to be isolated from the rest of the world and be alone. How would it be then? Let's see such a house!


It must seem complicated to you! There is no way out, there is no way in!


It seems this house can withstand any attack!


If you want ultimate security, this home is perfect for you!


Sesame amount of space is not open!

But as soon as he touched a button, the whole house shook!


A little earlier there was no way to enter the house! But now a ladder has gone out!


The house is actually surrounded by glass but at the same time it would not be wrong to call it a strong fortress!


Not only is the castle strong, but it is also beautiful!


As you proceed to uncover the mystery, you will first see the magnificent rooms, and the furniture.

The natural beauty of the house that you thought was your fort before will impress you.


If you own such a house, you can rest assured that you will not have to worry about annoying neighbors.

Reference: amazingoasis

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