The Dhaka Times
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People's backs are against the wall. Politics and people face to face

Politics and people are now completely face to face. Because people's backs are against the wall. At least 30 people have been killed in the past 3 weeks of strikes due to political instability.


The history of politics teaches us that politics and people are inextricably linked. But the definition of that politics is going to change now. Politics for the people has now become a 'horrilot' of empowerment. Retaining power and getting to power are now the main goals.

Not a particular party or group, this change in the definition of politics is seen in the main political parties of the country. The language movement of the eighty-two years, the coup of the nineteen-seventies, the liberation war of the seventies, the anti-dictatorship mass movement of the nineties were all for the people. It is not possible to imagine how the people would have been crushed if there were no political activities at that time. And think about the current situation?

The current leaders of our country are talking about the people and the country. But are they really thinking about the people? If that was the case, he would have sat down and negotiated. Then the situation like strike, vandalism and arson would not have arisen. Now we don't even think about the examination of young children, we don't think about the plight of day laborers, rickshaw pullers or people who eat day after day. On the one hand, the people of the country have reached a state of despair with the strike. And the other party is pushing the country towards hartal-strike without resolving the issue. Both sides are equally guilty - at least the general public thinks so.

In fact, it seems that people's backs are against the wall. Now is the time to solve the problem through discussion taking people's opinion into consideration. In the last two days, a somewhat flexible attitude is seen between the two groups. There is no alternative but a peaceful solution. As long as this blessing does not come to everyone, there will be no improvement of the country and the people of the country. It is better if they take advantage of the opportunity that has come between the two parties today, otherwise both the parties will one day be isolated from the people. At least that's what history says.

# Cartoon: Sadat.
