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This time 3D printing technology will be used to make jet engines

The Dhaka Times Desk Rolls-Royce says it will use 3D printers to make its jet engines, which will save time and cost.


3D printers can generally make all kinds of products according to the instructions of the computer. In this case, in paper 2D printers technology, any print is generally two-dimensional, but three-dimensional printing is possible in 3D printers. As a result, Rolls-Royce said they would use this technology to build their passenger jet engines.

Technology expert Rolls-Royce said, "It is noteworthy that previously we needed a long time to make parts for our jet engines, but using modern 3D printers will save a lot of time to make these parts."


He further said, “Earlier, if we placed an order for any parts, it would take about 11 months to get the parts. But if using 3D printers technology, if the parts are available even in a week, then it will be available in much less time, saving a lot of valuable time.”

Dr Wapenhans said, “With the use of 3D printers technology, there will be no need to store the parts, they will be made to order when needed. As a result, there will be no need for a separate store, which will save a lot of money.”

If 3D printers are initially able to make jet engine parts, then very soon the process of making jet engine parts using this technology will be done on a large scale.

Usually 3D printers use plastic, but the latest version can use ceramic and steel as raw materials for 3D printers.

Meanwhile, Germany's famous car manufacturer BMW has said that they will also use 3D printers technology to make car engine parts in the future.

Source: Dailymail

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