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Some tips to keep yourself safe on Facebook (Part-1)

The Dhaka Times Desk There are many Facebook users in the whole world, their number is about 126 million! You are one of the many Facebook users. Since there is a lot of traffic on Facebook, users may face various problems including account hacking. So today Dhaka Times organized some tips to keep yourself safe on Facebook.

Facebook Password

Before knowing how to stay safe on Facebook, let's take a look at the history of Facebook:

The current total number of Facebook users is 126 million! These users update 200 billion posts every day, including pictures and statuses and personal topics. Facebook reports that 7 percent of its total users have fake profiles. Average number of friends per user on Facebook is 250.

Besides, 101 million Facebook users use Facebook on their mobile devices every day, 128 million Facebook users use Facebook on their computer devices every day.

Now let's know about sharing your personal information on Facebook, 55 percent of teenage users on Facebook share their personal information with strangers, 67 percent of teenage users know how to hide their identity on Facebook from their parents. 34 percent of parents restrict their children's use of Facebook.

1 out of every 4 people on Facebook is a victim of some kind of fraud. Also, 1 in 36 people have had something stolen by a thief due to sharing their information and photos on Facebook.

Now let's know what you need to do to stay safe on Facebook:

  • never Or do not use any service like Facebook login. Because there your security may be compromised, so use where there is no security is unnecessary.
  • Never share your location unnecessarily in public, as you may be unknowingly followed by thieves or others.
  • Never share your emotional matters in public as many may take advantage of your simplicity and blackmail you.
  • Never give your full family address on Facebook, or all your mobile numbers may get into trouble.
  • Be careful using Facebook mobile app as your account can be hacked through it.
  • Avoid sharing private photos publicly.
  • Never accept a friend request from a stranger without first seeing it. This may be the cause of your problem.
  • Always avoid using short or simple passwords and make your passwords big and mix numbers and words.

Learn more about Facebook security Click here do

Source: makeuseof

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