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Know about Facebook Shortcut Keys

The Dhaka Times Desk Facebook is the most popular social media in our country. According to the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Company, the number of Internet users in Bangladesh as of 2014 is about 38.9 million. And a large part of these internet users use Facebook regularly. Our today's event is thinking about all these Facebook users.


One of the many hidden features of Facebook is the Facebook Shortcut Key. These shortcut keys are very useful when using browser-based Facebook. And as a Facebook user, you need to know these types of shortcut keys. So let's know about Facebook shortcut keys. In this case, with the universal keys of browsers, you can press different keys to get the desired result.

For Windows users:

1. Firefox Universal Key: Shift+Alt+# [ Here you press # on demand ]

2. For Google Chrome: Alt+#

For Mac users:

1. Firefox: Control+#

2. Google Chrome: Control+Option+#

3. Safari: Control+Option+#

Now press the keys as required:

Homepage: 1

Timeline: 2

Friendlist: 3

Message: 4

Notification: 5

Account Settings: 6

Privacy Settings: 7

Facebook page: 8

Conditions: 9

Help Center: 0

New message: m

Search: ?

One thing to keep in mind is that these shortcut keys are not applicable for Internet Explorer. So don't use these shortcut keys for Internet Explorer.

Reference: The Senate

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