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The robber was caught with the help of Google Street View!

The Dhaka Times Desk After seeing the photos on Google Street View, a teenager identified the two men as robbers and informed the police, who immediately arrested the two men. A similar incident happened in the Netherlands.


A 14-year-old boy went to the police and reported that he had been robbed on the street. Two men took a bicycle, some money and mobile phone from him. But the boy did not have any proof that the police would find the robbers based on his information. However, the police searched for some time.

Six months after the incident, the boy was browsing Google Street View and suddenly noticed a picture of him riding his bicycle just before the robbery and the two robbers walking past him. However, the faces were blurred in the picture. The boy confidently informed the police again about the incident.

The Dutch police took initiative and requested Google officials to provide the original image, and Google responded. As a result, the two robbers were caught. Dutch police Paul Heidanus said, “This little photo from Street View solved the case, great case!”


Reference: Cnet

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