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The situation in Egypt Anti-army protests again in Tahrir Square

The Dhaka Times Desk Thousands of Egyptians protested against the military coup in Cairo, the capital of Egypt.

Tahrir Square

Protesters chanted slogans against army chief Abdel Fattah al-Sisi in historic Tahrir Square last Monday night. International media reported this news yesterday.

According to reports, Monday's protest began in the afternoon local time in Egypt. Army and police surrounded Tahrir Square with military vehicles.

Protesters chanted 'Sisi cannot be our president'. However, the police and the army did not stop any protestors. Anti-coup protests are usually blocked by the police and army - as has been the case for the past few months. However, the question of why the military did not stop this protest is in everyone's mind.

It should be noted that since the army ousted President Morsi, mass protests have continued in the country. The army fired several times to disperse Morsi supporters. Many people were injured in those incidents.

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