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Cosmic explosion breaking all records!

The Dhaka Times Desk When we look at the night sky, each of the stars we see is a burning fire. As these stars burn highly flammable chemicals at unimaginably high temperatures, massive explosions occur every moment in these stars. Similarly, the Earth witnessed a cosmic explosion, which in its ferocity beat any cosmic explosion so far.


According to scientists, we could not witness this monstrous explosion immediately because the star is 3.7 billion light-years away from us. That means it will take 3.7 billion years for light to reach the earth from there. Scientists also say that if it were not for this great distance, the energy produced by the explosion would have been enough to destroy the Earth. And apart from the explosion that created the universe, the Big Bang, no other cosmic explosion can be found to compare with this great explosion.

The explosion was witnessed by NASA's space-traveling telescopes in April this year. Scientists call this explosion a gamma-ray burst, an explosion that kills a star, creates a black hole and supernova, and releases a large amount of energy. Scientists believe that the blasted planet is at least 20 to 30 times the size of our galaxy's star, the Sun.

For the past 20 years, NASA telescopes have been recording one such burst every two days on average. The supernova observed by NASA in 1999 was considered the most powerful cosmic explosion ever. But this recent eruption was at least 5 times more powerful than the one recorded in 1999.

References: The Guardian

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