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Your eyes will be used as a smartphone password!

The Dhaka Times Desk Apple Recently their iPhone For the 5S Fingerprint Added benefits. Through this, a competition of whose security is stronger has started unknowingly. Samsung They have announced that they are going to bring a smartphone in the market with a more advanced security system that uses your eyes as a password.


Eyes are already being used as passwords in various technologies. Samsung is also going to incorporate this method into smartphones, which is being called EyeVerify. It is an Irish company working in partnership with Samsung.

It will determine the password depending on the blood vessels of the eye. Every person has a different pattern of blood vessels that determines the basicity of the person. Since the blood vessels are very clearly visible to our white eyes, the smartphone can recognize its owner even in the dark!

EyeVerif The company believes this will have a very positive impact on human safety in the future. This software is currently being sold for two devices, Fixmo and AirWatch EyeVerify the company Also they have developed some software for government and army personnel to verify.

In the meantime EyeVerify Company General Android Also released a demo version for users, which is free You can download it from Google Play Store.

Reference: TheTechJournal

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