The Dhaka Times
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Strike-blockade: hands on the heads of petty traders and day labourers

The Dhaka Times Desk Due to the blockade and strike, the country's small traders and daily laborers are spending their days in an inhuman way. The small traders on the sidewalks are raking in very little capital. Worried about their future.

Hartal & Aborodh

Due to programs like blockade and hartal of the 18-party alliance, the existence of small capital traders in the country including the capital is under threat. On the other hand, day laborers have no work. Due to the strike, many companies have stopped working. Many people cannot shop on the footpaths of the capital. Whose main occupation is a shopkeeper on the sidewalk. They are disoriented today. They are worried about how to run the family. There are many low-income people in the capital who earn their living by running shops on the pavements. But due to strike and blockade that business is closed now. Many run businesses with very little capital. But by not being able to shop, they are wasting that capital. They are now worried about what to do next.

Motijheel, the commercial center of the capital, has the head office of most of the banks, including the Central Bank. The office of the main stock market and its regulatory body, Ministry of Industry, Rajuk office and many other large organizations are located in that area. Apart from office workers, thousands of customers and investors come to Motijheel every day. Many people make a living by selling small items to those people. Who is running a tea shop? Someone is doing shoe sewing-polishing work again. Keo sells warm clothes. Keoba sells raw curry. These shops have to be completely closed due to strike and blockade. But their stomach does not stop. Even if the shop is closed, the restaurant will not be closed. Every day you have to buy rice-dal-salt-oil. If you go for a month, you have to pay the house rent. No one can understand how it will happen. This unstable political situation has a greater impact on the lower income groups.

There is also concern about how long this situation will last. If the government and the opposition parties do not come to a peaceful solution, then an ominous signal will come down in all areas of the country. Which will not bring happiness to anyone.

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