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The old man, who lived a very simple life, donated around 1500 crore rupees at the time of his death

The Dhaka Times Desk Jack MacDonald He has donated all the money he earned throughout his life to various charities. The amount of his donation is 188 million dollars which is about 15 billion rupees! But he used to live like a common man.


Jack MacDonald A lawyer early in his career, he invested the money from his legal career in the stock market and built the MacDonald Meat Co. with the profits. A company named, but at his last age he sold his company and deposited all the money in the bank and never told anyone about his money and lived like a normal middle class person. But he was the owner of millions of dollars which few people knew!

Jack MacDonald After his death, he donated all his earnings to various social reform organizations, Mr. Although no one knew about it during MacDonald's lifetime, the donation was completed following his death in September of this year.

Mr. MacDonald's donation will go to 40 percent of the money Seattle Children's Research Institution 30 percent will go to named charities Army Wounded Soldiers and the remaining 30 percent will go to the fund constituted for Washington School of Law in its funds.

Jack MacDonald TDT

Regen Dennis Name Mr. MacDonald His adoptive son said about these donations of his father, "We are very happy for his deeds, he lived a very simple life during his life, there was no luxury in his life."

In 2000 Mr. After the death of his beloved wife, MacDonald concentrated on regular stock market trading, studied stock trading and made good profits from it, he never used a private car during his life, traveling by public bus wherever he went. He also served as a member of the army in his early life.


After MacDonald's death, he was buried in Ontario, Canada, where no memorial was to be built according to his last wishes. He will be like ordinary people after death!

Such people are really rare in the world, if everyone Mr. If MacDonald lived a simple life and shunned luxuries and thought of the poor and suffering, maybe our society would have changed.

Source: Nydailynews

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