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A remarkable letter was found in the 445-year-old mummy!

The Dhaka Times Desk An emotional and sad letter was found with the 445-year-old mummy, written by the dead man's child-bearing wife. It was written in the letter that I can't live without you, without you my sorrow will have no limit.


Eung-tae The mummy of the man was recovered from the South Korean city of Andong where he was buried. The letter found with the mummy, written by his childbearing wife at the time, was truly touching.

Eung-tae's mummy was found in 2000 and the letter was also recovered from there. The letter accompanying the mummy was translated in 2000.


The letter found with the mummy was addressed to a man named Eung-tae, 5 feet 9 inches tall 'Won's father'. The letter was placed on the mummy's chest, it is believed that the mummy's wife herself placed the letter there. In the letter, his wife questions Eung-tae as to why he died leaving her behind, saying that it would be too difficult for his wife to live without Eung-tae. He also wrote, “I can't live without you, please take me with you wherever you are!”


Researchers say the letter found in the mummy was written on June 1, 1586. At that time Eung-tae was an ancient resident of Korea's Goseong Yi clan. Eung-tae's height suggests that he was taller than other men of the time, and his mummified condition and skin are still very good, suggesting that Eung-tae was a fit and healthy ideal man.

One of the researchers Se-kwon Yim Said, the thick black mustache in the mummy tells how virile this man was. The mummy's body, letter and accompanying pair of shoes are very well preserved."

Two pairs of shoes are also found in the mummy about which his wife wrote in the letter I have woven shoes for you with my hair, remember me as you read these. It is believed that at that time women used to make shoelaces with their own hair for the well-being of their husbands and to ward off diseases.

Researchers say that the information obtained from the mummy and the accompanying objects will give a lot of insight into the period, while the owner of the letter written with the mummy may be dead today but his writing remains, this letter could be a good subject for opera artists.

Source: Dailymail

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