The Dhaka Times
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Missile shooting in the playground in Bosnia!

The Dhaka Times Desk There is a lot of controversy about the game. Such incidents are not new, especially in football fields. But this time in the playground, not only arguments or fights, but missiles like fire pits have been thrown in the playground!


One such incident happened in Bosnia. In a Premier League game there between Jelenica and Borak. Jelenika was leading 1-0. Meanwhile, Borak's supporters are unwilling to accept defeat. There was a great uproar. Everyone is shocked at the end of the commotion with the goal! First, the attack on the opponent begins with stones. After this, the fireworks of firecrackers and gunpowder started. At one point, the fireball was thrown from one end of the stadium to the other. He's a scary guy. In fact, the mind is not a fire pit, but a missile itself. The players are curious. Bewildered, he took shelter in the middle of the field. This seems to be nowhere to be seen.


Eventually all was settled but through fines. Since the beginning of the war in the hands of Borak-supporters. As a result, they have to pay dearly. The country's football governing body NFSBIH declared Jelenikar as the winner of the match. Borak was fined 4,400 euros. Apart from this, a ban has been issued against Borak supporters in the next three matches.

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