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Learn about some special insect pests including banana spider, poison dart frog

The Dhaka Times Desk Like every week, today we will bring you interesting news from the world. Learn about some special insect pests including banana spider, poison dart frog.

Banana spider

Brazilian wandering spider (Phoneutria) or Banana spider was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most venomous spider in 2012. Many people die every year due to the bite of this spider. It is about 13 to 15 cm. They are called wandering spiders because they do not build webs like other spiders. They hide in fallen tree trunks, rocks or banana trees. In populated areas, houses, clothes, shoes and even cars are hidden during the day. The bite of this spider can cause priapism, widespread tissue necrosis etc. along with severe pain. And if the treatment is not done on time, a terrible situation occurs. Wolverine Wolverine There are many species of wolverine. This species of wolverine in the picture is called 'gulo gulo' (gulo gulo). It looks like a cute innocent little bear that wants to be cuddled. They have a reputation as hunters. With its strong arms and sharp claws, it mauls animals larger than itself.

Poison Dart Frog

It is clear that it is not a frog or a golden frog of our country. It is more common in South America. It is also called poison arrow frog. It is a member of the Dendrobatidae family. These species of frogs are mostly active during the day. They come in various bright colors. Their skin contains lipophilic alkaloid. It is not that serious unless you or your household pets drink its bathing water.

Dingo (Canis lupus dingo)

This is where Nadushnudush Dingo sahibs are seen sitting. There is no other work except eating and drinking, playing and sleeping all day. They are found in Australia and South Asia. In Bengal it is called wild dog. They are the descendants of wolves. very violent They hunt in groups.

Giant King Squid

Giant King Squid- These are the largest species in the squid kingdom. Its eyes are very similar to human eyes. It has a total of ten gigantic arms. An adult squid can be up to about 65 feet in length. People are always confused about the behavior of giant king squid. According to many, they do not attack humans unless they sense danger. On March 25, 1941, ten sailors managed to board a boat after a British ship sank in the Atlantic Ocean. But soon after, a giant king squid attacked them. Fortunately, eight sailors survived with great difficulty, with the loss of only two lives.

Blue Ringed Octopus

Blue-ringed Octopus are very small - only 5 to 8 inches and look very nice. Its body is ringed like a bright bluish fluorescent lamp. It quickly changes color to bright yellow with bluish rings when it sees danger. It is so beautiful that I think I should take it and put it in the aquarium at home. But the problem is that its poison will grant you free passage to the afterlife, for which there is no antidote yet.

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