The Dhaka Times
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The next generation USB 3.1 Type-C connector is coming to the market

The Dhaka Times Desk The new USB 3.1 Type-C connector with very fast speed of around 10 Gbps is coming to the market. It has a great combination of design and speed.


From the current USB 3.0 Type-C connectors in the market, the new USB 3.1 Type-C connector is very fast, light and thin at the same time. But this new design USB 3.1 Type-C connector looks like the previous Micro-B USB 2.0.

Usually, different USB chargers are provided for charging with different smartphones, which do both data transfer and charging simultaneously. From these USB connectors in the current market, the new USB 3.0 Type-C connector will be very powerful and fast. Through this smartphone and computer connection will be possible to exchange data faster and faster.

Type-C connector Its chairman Brad Saunders He said, you will be able to charge the device with this type of connector and easily connect it to other devices and exchange data quickly, hopefully it will not take long for this new technology to gain popularity in the advanced Type-C connector market.”

Source: The TechJournal

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