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The American Navy's XFC UAS drone launch from the submarine!

The Dhaka Times Desk This is the first time that the US Navy has launched UAS drones from their submarines. According to information, these drones are capable of running for 6 hours continuously on fuel, electricity, gas.

XFC Unmanned Aerial System

UAS which means unmanned aerial system America has developed a state-of-the-art drone called the U.S. and they have flown this drone silently into the sky from a submerged submarine. This has been confirmed in a statement by the US Navy on Friday.

US Army researcher Craig A. Hughes He said, “We are always developing various devices incorporating advanced technology and trying to deliver them to our soldiers quickly. These newly launched UAS are highly cost effective, low fuel consumption and can be used for safe intelligence surveillance.”


XFC UAS Namely, this drone can fly straight from very low places. It is able to fly out of its container with very little space and in a short period of time slowly open its wings and continue the mission under the command of the computer.


Due to its various advantages, it can be launched silently from any location, on the other hand submerged The submarine moves so silently that it is possible to fly this drone into the sky by fooling the eyes of the enemy before anyone notices.

About this drone called XFC UAS, US Navy sources said, “This drone was launched from the submarine's torpedo tube which successfully flew for about 1 hour and returned.

This drone is the result of 6 years of research by American military researchers. It will be used in future war, enemy information collection, various intelligence surveillance and carrying small goods deep from ships in the sea.

Source: The TechJournal

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