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Exceptional bronze sculptures never seen before!

The Dhaka Times Desk Creating a sculpture is never a piece of cake. When an artist cuts stone and mixes the sweetness of his mind to create a sculpture, he is to be admired for his creativity. Today I will introduce you to fame by making exceptional bronze sculptures Bruno Catalano With its creativity.


These sculptures are not only eye-catching, but they are bound to make you think. The most interesting aspect of the sculptures is the missing part of the body. It's more like thinking that we have everything but everyone has something, which leaves us incomplete! We suffer from not having it for one reason or another. Our inner pain is brought out like these incomplete sculptures.

The specialty is that the sculptures are perfectly balanced without the huge chunks in between, which is a credit to Bruno Catalano Who has to pay? The sculptures featured in the 2013 European Capital of Culture event in Marseilles. Let's see some pictures of these sculptures.

These bronze sculptures will take you to surrealism for a while. Bruno Catalano of On the official website Some more such sculpture pictures are given.

Reference: BoredPanda

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