The Dhaka Times
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Alleged theft of information from WhatsApp through Android games!

The Dhaka Times Desk Nowadays, the theft of various secret information of users on the Internet is frequent! Now the complaint has been made against an Android game which is installed as a popular messaging app WhatsApp redirects the user's chat conversations from


The game is a balloon shooting, its name 'Balloon Pop 2'' which has already been removed from the Google Play Store, in the case of this game it is seen that if it is installed it is a malware Acts as a program that the user WhatsApp Traffics chat conversations from to another site.

'Balloon Pop 2' Do you want to keep your WhatsApp conversations private? In this case if any user has taken this advantage then this malware program all WhatsApp conversations of that user WhatsAppcopy Check out the site, where these conversations are sold at different prices!


Before downloading the game 'Balloon Pop 2', the description reads, “If you download this game, all your WhatsApp chats will be copied to our site, which you can view as an archive after hours!”

Now if you download this game with this greed, it will immediately send all your chats from your WhatsApp to WhatsAppcopy site and there anyone can see your chat conversation by searching with your phone number and can buy it for a certain amount of money. !

However, this malware program has now been removed from the Google Play Store due to allegations of breach of trust.

Source: The Tech Journal

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