The Dhaka Times
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Kader Mollah's stay of execution hearing continues

The Dhaka Times Desk Jamaat-e-Islami Assistant Secretary General Abdul Quader Mollah's execution is pending. Today Wednesday at 10 am Chief Justice Md. The full bench of the Appellate Division headed by Mozammel Hossain has started the hearing in this regard.


Due to the strike and blockade, the lawyers of Quader Mollah have requested to extend the stay of execution. The court adjourned the hearing for 1 hour after the hearing started.

It should be noted that when and how the death sentence of Jamaat-e-Islami Assistant Secretary General Abdul Quader Mollah will be implemented depends on the decision of the Appellate Division.

Although the government announced the execution at 12:01 PM, Supreme Court Chamber Judge Justice Syed Mahmud Hossain postponed the execution of Quader Molla until 10:30 AM on Tuesday night.

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