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A unique example of love: the husband's country travel half-naked to make his wife laugh! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk There are many examples of love. It is said that love is great, and if it is the love of a husband and wife, then it is a gift of gold. He set an example of such love to bring his comatose wife back to normal life Bob began A person named Let's learn about that love!


Beloved spouse Linda She went into a coma after being diagnosed with breast cancer. The doctors could not say exactly when he would recover from the coma Linda, then Bob began He adopted a strange method to bring his wife back from coma.

He took a photographer with him to travel the country, took with him a small pink rag! After that, in different parts of the country, he began to take pictures of himself half-naked in different poses. Let's see some pictures!


Bob That said, when Linda was in treatment, the woman around her would look at the crazy photos on her cellphone and she would laugh. Thus his time passed quite naturally!”


Linada said, Bob did a little too much in love, as everyone laughed, I couldn't help but laugh!


Bob continues this madness on his trip to Italy!


Bob always wants to pose differently to make his beloved wife and girlfriends laugh!


Bob's efforts teach us, to be able to laugh and smile even in the midst of life's hundred sorrows makes us want to live!

Check out more of Bob's funniest videos!

Reference: BuzzFeed

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