The Dhaka Times
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Jatiya Party Chairman H. M. Ershad arrested

The Dhaka Times Desk Jatiya Party Chairman H. M. Ershad was arrested tonight. Although RAB-1 captain Kismat Hayat told reporters that he was not arrested, he was taken to CMH as he fell ill.


According to media sources, he was arrested from the house of Baridhara at 12 o'clock in the night and taken to the cantonment in the car of RAB-1. However, it is not yet known why he was arrested.

Update: "As Ershad fell ill, he was taken to CMH, he was not arrested" - RAB-1 captain Kismat Hayat told reporters. However, in the exclusive video, Ershad did not seem sick at all.

Meanwhile, after the news of Ershad's arrest, protests started in Rangpur late at night.

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