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10,500-year-old human footprints discovered in South America

The Dhaka Times Desk First found in the Cuatro Cienegas Basin in South America in 1961, scientists have now confirmed the footprints are dated and human.


Scientists have said that this is the footprint of a hunter-gatherer group of Coahuiltecans about 10,500 years ago. It is recovered from the Cuatro Cienegas Basin, which is located very close to the Chihuahuan Desert in Mexico. Today it is kept in a museum in Mexico with a replica in stone.

This newly discovered footprint is not the oldest footprint, previously found in South America about 13 thousand years old.

England's Durham University teacher Dr. Nicholas J. Felstead said, "We had previously tried to find out exactly who and what the details of these footprints were in 2006 and failed."

He further said that the discovered footprints are 100% confirmed to be human as there are clear human toes and other foot shapes visible.

These footprints have now been preserved in shape with a paste rich in calcium carbonate from the time they were recovered. Meanwhile, from this very ancient footprints that were recently discovered, it is understood that people lived in the desert even in those primitive times!


Experts say that the area where the footprints were found was a water body long ago, inhabited by humans and other animals, but the topographical changes gradually turned into a desert and later dominated by humans as hunter-gatherers. Footprints belong to those people.

Source: Huffingtonpost
Special thanks to: Thedailybeast

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