The Dhaka Times
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Library Ann Marion recorded 800,000 hours of news video over 35 years!

The Dhaka Times Desk Marion Marguerite was an advocate, collected news tapes of domestic and international media for almost 35 years of her life, her accumulated news record is about 800,000 hours, she died of respiratory complications at the age of 83.


Although librarian Marion Marguerite died in 2012, her son, Michael Metelits, first brought her vast collection of news records to the media. Michael said his mother used to collect all national and international news at any cost. He used 8 recorders simultaneously to collect these news from the media and every 6 hours he changed the tape or cassette of the recorder on his own responsibility. At this time, Marion Marguerite did not take anyone's help!

Marion Marguerite's son Michael also said, "My mother was very responsible and knew that she had to do her job, so she did not ask for help from anyone, collecting news records was an addiction of hers.


Meanwhile, Roger Macdonald, director of conservation at the International Archives, said Marion's collection is a valuable piece of historical evidence that is usually rare to find in one person's collection. Currently, we are trying to digitize these collections of Marion, so if this digital transformation is possible, we will make it available to people all over the world very quickly through the Internet.


Most of Marion's recorded tapes remained in his old home in Boston, so these tapes were eventually brought to Liberia. However, it cost about $16,000 to bring these records to Liberia, which the organizers said was not a big deal. We have a lot of records. valuable

Meanwhile, Marion's son said in his comments about taking the initiative to digitize these records of his mother, if my mother was alive today, she would have been very happy to know that these collections of hers are being digitized in this way and will be used for people's needs.

Thank you: NBCphiladelphia

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