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Yahoo email is slowly getting fixed, but users are disappointed!

The Dhaka Times Desk Like the fifth day in a row 97% Yahoo mail users can't login to their ID yet! Yahoo says it's their hardware problem!


As of Monday last week, 97 percent of users are facing problems logging in to their Yahoo IDs, leaving countless users across the globe frustrated with their email IDs. Yahoo has already said that it is trying to fix the problem, but it is a very difficult and time-consuming task.

Yahoo said in a statement that the problem is with the Yahoo Media Center hardware, but they are constantly trying to fix the issue. Yahoo however is giving them their own problems and various updates Facebook And Twitter in the id.

Anyway, on Wednesday of last week, Yahoo said that they have solved the hard wire problem of their mail management media center, but even after Yahoo gave this message, many users are seeing various problems in their email IDs and many are still unable to access their IDs. Yahoo said that since Yahoo was unable to provide any mail updates to users for some time, old emails remained in the line-up which will take some time to retrieve.

Note that this is not the first problem with Yahoo Mail ID, problems have occurred before at various times.

Source: The TechJournal

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