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How to take care of skin in winter

The Dhaka Times Desk In winter the skin becomes dry, rough, crusty and lifeless. By keeping this dull rough skin fresh and moisturized, the skin becomes vibrant, noble and graceful.


Few beauty tips are enough for this fresh and beautiful skin. It has to be taken care of according to the type of skin. Regardless of whether the skin is oily, rough or normal, the following points should be considered for beauty.

# The first condition is to wash all the face thoroughly. Wash your face and use face wash or toner. In winter, there is more dust, so the skin should be cleaned well.

# Oily skin should use a moisturizer cream or lotion in winter even if the skin looks normal. Sunscreen should be used when going out during the day.

# mixed normal skin should use moisturizing cream (Moisturisering Lotion/Moisturisering Cream) 2/3 times a day.

# Glycerin Petroleum Jelly Body Oil (Body Oil) should be used to retain moisture in dry skin.

# The best time for skin care is at night. Before going to bed at night, wash and wipe your face well to keep moisture and freshness, mix petroleum jelly with night cream or lotion and massage your face slowly.

# It is better to use glycerine or body oil all over the body after bathing.

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