The Dhaka Times
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Like every year, the uncertainty of 60,000 pilgrims by plane!

Dhaka Times Report. Like every year, there is a crisis of flights with pilgrims. There has never been a year without this problem. This crisis has arisen with 60 thousand pilgrims.
প্রতিবছরের মতো এবারও ৬০ হাজার হজযাত্রী পরিবহনে বিমানের অনিশ্চয়তা! 1
Hajj comes once a year. The related department of the government also knows when Hajj comes. But still the problem is happening every year. Every year it is seen that airplanes are failing in passenger transport. That is, the schedule is never fixed. But the government can not create a permanent solution to this problem?

It is known that this time again the plane is facing uncertainty in transporting 60,000 pilgrims. The uncertainty arose after foreign airline Air Iceland expressed its inability to provide flights. Everything is on the verge of falling apart as Biman's corrupt syndicate delays finalizing the deal. Besides, the government will have to pay Tk 125 crore to lease three aircraft due to the corruption of the syndicate. This money is being wasted as tenders are being called for three months lease instead of one year. The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) will investigate these matters. In a letter dated June 21, Air Iceland informed Biman that it would not be able to provide the aircraft. Air Iceland was approved at the Biman Board meeting due to delay in making the final agreement. Due to these reasons, even though the final fare agreement was approved by the airline board meeting, Air Iceland expressed its inability to transport pilgrims.

According to a news source, three planes are supposed to be leased for the transportation of pilgrims, but Biman has only one. Meanwhile, no representative of France's Avico Airlines, which has been approved by the Biman Board, has come to Bangladesh until June 22. He did not say whether he would make a deal. This has increased the anxiety of Biman. Even after the approval of the board meeting, the Anti-Corruption Commission will investigate the reason for canceling the contract at the last minute. According to Biman sources, the file has already been requested from the ACC.

Aviation experts say that there is no benefit in inviting fresh tenders in the time available before Hajj. And even if the tender is called, the aircraft will not be available. As the reason, they say, the demand for wide body or more seats aircraft increases before Hajj. Airlines of other countries hire these aircraft at least 7-8 months in advance to transport Hajj pilgrims. But corrupt airline executives come in last minute every year to finalize the lease agreement to commission trade and lease their designated aircraft at double the price.

Meanwhile, several top officials of Biman said that despite everything being in order, AirIceland's inability to provide flights is mysterious. They believe corruption, commission trading and extortion of an airline syndicate could be one of the reasons. On the condition of anonymity, the official said that the whole mystery will be revealed if the incident is investigated by the Anti-Corruption Commission. He also said that while Avico Aviation has quoted $12,000 per hour. There, AirIceland quoted them only 5500 dollars for one year. And the bid for Hajj is 8 thousand 500 dollars. But Biman's corrupt syndicate rejected their offer of a year for commission trade and finalized it for three months. It is believed that Air Iceland may withdraw their offer because of this. Allegedly, a syndicate inside the plane killed the bug to sink the plane. Although the leasing companies want to lower the rate, they cannot lower the rate even if they want to because of the associated syndicates of the aircraft. Allegedly, this year, the biggest corruption happens in the RFP (Request for Proposal) call of the airline to lease aircraft for Hajjatri transportation. Experts said that if the RFP mentioned leasing the aircraft for one year along with transporting pilgrims, they could have bid accordingly. And if this is done, at least 125 crore rupees would have been saved by airplanes in Hajjatri transport. Apart from this, the aircraft could also transport Umrah pilgrims along with maintaining scheduled flights after Hajj. But the RFP is structured in such a way that syndicates can lease the aircraft of their choice. At the same time, the gang can also conspire to divert scheduled passengers to foreign airlines.

Biman Every year when Hajj time comes, the Biman has one problem after another. Problems arise everywhere for private travel agents and government systems. I hope that at least the concerned authorities will see to it that there is no problem with the pilgrims.

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