The Dhaka Times
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Samsung is bringing a smart TV that will work at the finger tips!

The Dhaka Times Desk Samsung is currently one of the most popular names in the technology industry, Samsung has announced that they are going to make smart TVs after smartphones. This TV will be launched at next year's Consumer Electronics Show (CES). in


According to Samsung, this initiative is to introduce customers to more advanced and modern technology. Samsung's new smart TV has hand gesture technology, so that users can do various things including changing the channel by hand gesture.

In addition, this smart TV of Samsung also has Voyage command, in this case users will be familiar with more advanced Voyage command. It is also said that the video quality of Samsung's smart TV will be more vivid.

Advanced technology has been incorporated in the field of Voyage Command. Samsung Smart TV can be commanded in 11 languages.

Samsung said they will be held in January next year Consumer Electronics Show (CES) will bring them in front of this modern smart TV audience.

But for now, Samsung has not given any more information about this smart TV, we have to wait for some more details.

Source: The Tech Journal

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