The Dhaka Times
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Khaleda Zia got down from the car and left on foot

The Dhaka Times Desk Violent protests are taking place in various areas of the capital centering on the 'March for Democracy' program of 18 parties led by BNP. Khaleda Zia got down from the car and left on foot.

On the other hand, a chaotic situation is prevailing in the High Court. There are various protests including arson. On the other hand, there was a clash inside the press club. There was a chase from the Shiksha Bhavan to the High Court. At least 7 people were injured during this time. There is still a chase going on.

The BNP chairperson got into the car with preparations to go to the program venue around 1 pm but could not proceed due to the police barricade. Although he is ready to go to the party office in Nayapaltan, he is unable to break the cordon of the RAB police.

BNP Chairperson's advisor Inam Ahmed Chowdhury has been detained by the police. He was detained by the law and order forces in front of the party office in Nayapaltan at around 1:15 on Sunday. At that time, it is known that he was going to Paltan central office to join the March for Democracy program announced by BNP.

Photo: Courtesy of BD

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