The Dhaka Times
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Recipe: Semai Barfi

The Dhaka Times Desk Today we have Semai Barfi for you. Although this is not an everyday item, it is still a good recipe for hospitality.

Semaiyer baraphi-1


  • # Pran Semai 1 Packet
  • # Condensed Milk 1 tsp
  • # condensed milk half cup
  • # sugar 1 cup
  • # Butter 1
  • # Raisins 50 g
  • # is like a peanut quantity
  • # Cinnamon 4/5 t
  • # Cardamom 4/5
  • Semaiyer baraphi-2

    prepared method

    First fry the semais in a pan with butter until soft and very well. Then stir in half a cup of thick milk. Meanwhile, keep stirring well with condensed milk, sugar, cardamom, cinnamon, raisins. When the mixture becomes dry by stirring, pour it into a ghee-greased tray and spread it. Immediately cut into barfi shapes with a knife greased with ghee. Arrange raisins and pistachios on the barfi while it is still hot. Semai barfi is delicious. It looks as good as it is fun to eat. When guests come home, you can entertain them with this barfi.

    Photo: Courtesy:

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