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Watch Live Footage of Russian Railway Station Suicide Bombing [VIDEO]

The Dhaka Times Desk A horrific suicide bombing at a train station in the Russian city of Volgogard on Sunday killed 14 people and injured many, a video of the attack has recently emerged.


According to the Russian authorities, the bomb attack was carried out by a woman who strapped a bomb to her body and entered the station and detonated the bomb in the crowd.

Meanwhile, the 2014 Olympic Games will be held in Russia, but suicide attacks by separatists have increased in that country in the run-up to these games. Although no one was killed in the attack, the Russian intelligence department and various media outlets believe that these Muslim black widows are the work. The black widows are the wives of the victims whose husbands were killed in the war in the Caucasian region and these black widows are now carrying out these attacks to avenge the killing of their husbands.

Let's take a look at the video

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