The Dhaka Times Desk Vandalism is now the main tool in strikes and blockades. A siege does not succeed without vandalism. With speed bumps on the road, it is easier for the blockaders to vandalize the vehicles. So the authorities are now removing the speed bumps to prevent vandalism!
This incident is on the Dhaka-Rangpur highway. The work of removing most of the illegal and unnecessary high speed barriers from Ariarbazar in Shajahanpur Upazila of Bogra to Mokamtala in Shibganj has been started. Apart from the highway, the illegal speed bumps on the district town and other roads are also being demolished.
It is known that in the recent strike-blockade, vandalism of vehicles is also taking place on the highway by taking advantage of these speed breakers. A report on these matters was recently published in a national daily under the title 'Vehicle vandalism to trap speed limiters'. From the day after the publication of that report, the Roads and Public Paths (SOAZ) Department has started a campaign to remove these speed bumps on the highway with workers.
According to the media reports, according to the district police, cars were vandalized and set on fire in Shajahanpur area of this highway almost every day during the blockade. The news also said that at least 500 cars have been vandalized on that road since November 26. At least 50 vehicles were set on fire. Because of the speed limiter the blocker is getting this vandalism. After being set on fire, the owners of the affected vehicles brought these speed breakers to the notice of the law enforcement agencies, blaming them for the vandalism. Due to which the concerned law enforcement agencies were forced to remove these speed breakers.