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Ways to remove nicotine from the airways

The Dhaka Times Desk Cigarettes or smoking can cause terrible consequences for our health. As a result of smoking for a long time, the abundance of nicotine in a person's respiratory tract increases, which can lead to various diseases including cancer. Today we will learn how you can reduce nicotine from your airways.

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There are many smokers who can't quit smoking even if they quit, these tips are for these smokers and those who have already quit smoking but are suffering from various health complications due to the accumulation of nicotine in the airways. Take a look one by one-

1) Orange Lemon-

To reduce nicotine in the airways, you can eat oranges regularly, or drink orange juice. Because oranges contain a lot of vitamin C. Vitamin C is effective in reducing nicotine levels.

2) Spinach-

Spinach is a vegetable effective in reducing nicotine. Spinach contains a lot of folic acid, folic acid is effective in removing nicotine from the body.

3) Carrot juice-

Carrot juice or carrots can greatly reduce nicotine from your respiratory tract. Carrots are rich in A, C, K and B, which are effective in reducing nicotine.

4) Water-

Drink plenty of water. Drinking plenty of water will help reduce the effects of nicotine on the body.

5) Kiwi fruit-

Although this fruit is not available in Bangladesh, you can bring it from abroad or check in various domestic super stores to see if there is Q fruit. Kiwi is a fruit effective in reducing nicotine.

Stay healthy, love yourself and family. Stay tuned to The Dhaka Times for more health tips and advice.

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