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Motorcycling makes women physically and mentally happier [Study]

The Dhaka Times Desk A recent study found that women who ride motorcycles report being happier than women who don't ride motorcycles.


New research shows that women who ride their own motorbikes are happier in all aspects of personal life, work life and family life than women who don't ride motorbikes.

The research was conducted under the supervision of Kelton with the support of famous motorcycle manufacturer Harley-Davidson. The study involved 1,013 female bikers and 1,016 female non-bikers. And in a survey of two types of women, the researchers confirmed that those who ride bikes lead much happier lives than others, and even have happier family lives.

Research findings:

  • 37 percent of women who ride bikes are very happy, compared to only 17 percent of women who don't ride bikes.
  • Among those who ride bikes, 27 percent of women consider themselves sexually attractive, on the other hand, among those who do not ride bikes, only 7 percent consider themselves sexually attractive.
  • Among those who ride bikes, 35 percent feel confident and among non-bikers, 18 percent feel confident.

Also, 53 percent of women who ride bikes think they can forget their sorrows and feel happier by riding bikes. Many people think of riding a motorcycle as their freedom and it boosts their confidence. Meanwhile, the study also shows that women's relationship with their husbands is sweeter due to riding motorbikes and they are physically and mentally independent.

Source: Womenridersnow

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