The Dhaka Times Desk There are many islands in the world but we do not know the story of all the islands. Today the story of a new island will be presented to you. The name of this new island is Nijima Island.
This Nijima island has made its debut as the world's newest natural island. The world is constantly changing. This change in the world has been happening for thousands of years. There was a time when it was not possible for people to know what was happening anywhere in the world. Today, with the advancement of modern technology, nothing in the world remains unknown to people. In the same way, Nijima Island was not avoided. The story of this new island has come up within the reach of people.
An eruption began in late November last year. The eruption site is 600 miles south of Tokyo, the capital of Japan, in the Ogasawara Islands. It is in the Pacific Ocean. That place in the Pacific Ocean is also known as the Fireball. There are the most eruptions and earthquakes in the world. This is a special area of the Pacific Ocean. After the eruption on November 20, a brand new piece of land was born from the sea in that area. The locals named it Nijima Island.
Niijima was quite small at birth. But day by day it is increasing in size. Initially it was a 14 acre island. Now it has increased. Three times bigger in a very short period of time.
It is known about this island that its average height above sea level is 25 meters. Photos of the island taken by NASA's Earth Observatory and the Japanese Coast Guard were recently released. NASA said the water around the island had changed color due to minerals, gas and ocean sediments created by the eruption. And the white smoke over the central and southwestern region of the island is probably due to various gases and vapors rising from the volcano.
The birth of the island may not be new. Near where Niijima rises from the sea, there is another island called Nishino-shima, which originated in 1973. But one thing is that the islands formed in this way often disappear. These islands are eroded by the sea water or the weight of these islands sinks to the sea floor and then the island sinks. However, seeing Niijima, the scientists of the Japan Meteorological Agency say that this island may survive. They said it will last at least two years.
Even if you think of the world as stationary, the world is not stationary at all. The earth can be said to be alive and active and very dynamic like animals. No matter how many times scientists have researched, their results have never been in vain. There is nothing surprising if Niijima Island really lasts as long as scientists believe. Source: Daily Yugantar Online.