The Dhaka Times Desk Luxury is not for everyone, but the needs of high and low society are different between the rich and the poor, what is very easy for some is elusive for many! Today we will bring you a list of the most expensive children's clothes in the world, let's know which clothes are the most expensive.
Burberry Boys' clothes made by it, everything here is worth 1,04,500 rupees!
Dolce and Gabbana Made special girls jackets, its price is only 80 thousand taka!
Boys jacket made of pure leather, its price is only 1 lakh 80 thousand taka!
Dolce and Gabbana The cost of this dress is only 83 thousand taka!
This is a metallic women's dress, its price is 1 lakh 40 thousand taka in Bangladeshi currency!
This is a children's wearable winter coat worth only 1 lakh 45 thousand rupees!
To buy a complete set of baby clothes made by Burberry, you have to spend only 1 lakh rupees!
Please Mum If you want to buy this jacket of the brand, 61 thousand rupees in Bangladeshi currency!
This is also a famous brand Please Mum girls clothes price is 33 thousand taka.
World famous and popular brand Please Mum's sweater collection is priced at 50 thousand rupees only.
Source: buzzfeed
This post was last modified on February 6, 2014 11:45 am
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