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Bangladeshi talented student Aranya Haque committed suicide in New York!

The Dhaka Times Desk The whole world and friends are in New York unannounced just when everyone is ready to welcome the new year Central Park Bangladeshi brilliant student Aranya Haque (22) committed suicide by jumping into the cliff!

Aranya Haq Aged 22 and a student at Indiana College in the US, he visited Jamaica, Queens on December 30 for a college vacation. But on this day he was last seen by all his friends and relatives around 1.30 pm. After that he did not return home for the whole night.

The next day local police found Aranya Haque's money bag, mobile phone and several papers on the bank of Hrid. After that Central Park Chirni raids were conducted in Hrid in search of forest hawks. Finally, Aranya Haque's dead body was recovered from Hrid water on 1st. Police initially said it could be a suicide.

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The police also said that they found out from the letter left by Aranya Haque on the bank of Hrid, that Aranya Haque committed suicide, he wrote in the letter that after receiving his dead body, it should be handed over to his family, there he wrote his family's phone number.

Meanwhile, Aranya is Haq's uncle Roshan Chowdhury (54) He told the media that he was not aware of Aranya's depression, the last time they spoke, Aranya Haque told him that he was going to apply for a US green card and was looking for a good job.

Raoshan Chowdhury also said that Aranya was a very gentle, modest boy, but he liked to have a lot of fun, never liked to get into an argument with anyone. Aranya Haque came to America 4 years ago with the purpose of studying.

Meanwhile, Aranya is the head of Hawke's educational institution Gregory Hess In a statement said, Aranya's passing away like this is really sad, he was a very kind and modest person.

Source: The Daily Mail

Thank you: Facebook group open for forest hawks

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ৬, ২০১৪ 11:51 am


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