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Countless users are at risk of dangerous internet virus

The Dhaka Times Desk The international media Washington Post claimed in a report that thousands of users are at risk of a dangerous virus.


Netherland based IT organization Fox-IT wrote that it "We have reviewed some of our clients' data and found that after they used, they were shown some ads from Yahoo Ads that actually came from, but these ads were found to contain serious viruses.

Meanwhile, Ashkan Soltani, an Internet security expert and assistant to the Washington Post, said that some circles are using Yahoo ads on Yahoo servers to spread viruses, which are not caught by the Yahoo filter because they are ordinary ads! The point here is that these viruses have emerged as a particular threat to Java platform systems. Java-based systems are particularly vulnerable in this regard.


So far,, which is number 4 in international visitor popularity, has not commented or responded to this issue. Currently, about 280 million users are using the virtual Yahoo, most of them are now under special virus threat. Experts said that this virus risk in Yahoo basically started from December 30.

A Yahoo user's system may be attacked by a virus as shown in the figure below:


Source: The TechJournal

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