The Dhaka Times
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Idcol's solar power: opens the door to the fortunes of the villagers

The Dhaka Times Desk Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL)'s solar power has opened the door of fortune to the people of the village. The people of the villages who never thought that they would see the light of electricity, today they can keep pace with the modern age. They can enjoy electricity facilities. It is a great achievement for the people of those villages in Bangladesh. Many villages in Bangladesh are still in darkness. No electricity, no medical care - they are deprived of many basic needs. The people of the village are seeing the light of hope due to the relentless efforts of this government-related organization.

ইডকলের সৌরবিদ্যুৎ: গ্রামের মানুষদের ভাগ্যের দুয়ার খুলে দিয়েছে 1

Incidentally, it should be noted that the state-owned infrastructure development company Limited (IDCOL) will provide financial assistance to set up 1 million new solar home systems and 20 thousand biogas plants across the country. The new program will be inaugurated in Sandwip Upazila of Chittagong on February 18. Daily Ittefaq news.

Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of Idcall Islam Sharif told reporters that the government started setting up solar home systems under the solar power program in areas without electricity and gas connections from 2003 and biogas plants under the National Domestic Biogas and Organic Fertilizer Program from 2006. So far, 12 lakh 30 thousand solar home systems with a production capacity of 65 MW have been installed in these areas. He further said that about 6 million people in rural areas are getting electricity under this system, which is 4.01 percent of the total population.
The new 10,000 solar home systems to be installed across the country will have a total production capacity of 50 MW. And this work will be completed within the next two years. It is said that about 50 lakh people in rural areas will get electricity facilities. Experts believe that many more villages can be provided under EDCOL in stages.
