The Dhaka Times Desk Painting is a wonderful medium of expression. But if the artist uses different parts of his body instead of drawing, then the matter is really surprising.
Heather Hansen is an artist who doesn't scratch canvas like ten other artists. He uses his whole body to paint! He created wonderful paintings by rubbing different parts of the body on the huge canvas on the floor in different postures.
Heather Hansen uses every part of the body in her paintings. Each part of his body acts as a one-size-fits-all canvas as he paints. He uses his hands, feet, body, face, wrists in different angles to paint.
That's right, Heather Hansen on the floor like this is the first thing anyone will think of when they see her hands and feet spread out on the floor. But after painting, everyone was surprised by Heather Hansen's painting.
Heather Hansen is different from other artists, she uses body language to express her thoughts. And the language of the body is made by cutting the illibili to create some wonderful works of art on the canvas.
Heather Hansen paints in a large gallery. Many people gathered to see his paintings. Everyone looked at how a blank canvas floated extraordinary art!
Indeed, Heather Hansen proves that the human body is also a medium of expression and this expression can be expressed candidly on a large canvas.
See more photos on Heather Hansen's web site Click here.
Source: Heather Hansen
This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ১০, ২০১৫ 11:59 pm
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