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How to Transfer All Computer Data to New Hard Drive [Tutorial]

The Dhaka Times Desk Nowadays, there are huge hard drives available in the market. Many people want to replace the previous small size hard drive with a large size hard drive in the computer. Today in our tutorial section for you, there are details on how you can transfer all the data and operating system of your computer hard drive to a new drive without changing the operating system.


Suppose you want to change the hard drive connected to your computer to connect a relatively large data hard drive. But before you can do that, you need to do some work. Our today's ultra tutorial is about all those tasks.

All you need to do is:

1) The first thing you need to do is connect the newly purchased hard drive to your computer.

2) Do you not know how to connect the hard drive? The matter is very simple. There will be an additional panel next to the panel that previously connected the hard drive to your computer. You connect your hard drive to that panel with a SATA-USB adapter cable.


3) Now when you turn on the computer, you will see that two hard drives are connected to your computer. Now remember that the BIOS boots must be on the old hard drive because that's where your operating system is running.

4) Now what you need to do is to clone all the data from your old hard drive. don't panic There are numerous software for cloning but the most popular and free software is EaseUS Todo Backup Free. Install it on your old hard drive.


5) Install EaseUS Todo Backup Free and launch it. Now you will see that there are several options on the left side. From there click on clone option click on disk clone and proceed step by step.

6) Finally, when the clone is finished, you will see that everything has been copied from the old drive to your new drive. Here you can partition the drive as you wish.


7) If you want to partition 'Proceed.'do but it will take some time to complete usually a few hours. Wait until this time.

8) Shut down the computer once the partition is done.

9) Yes done, now remove your old drive from the computer and insert the new one in place of the old one.

10) Turn on the computer, remember it will take some time to turn on the computer for the first time, don't panic. Next time the computer will turn off and on quickly.

How did you like our tutorial? Yes if you like then comment and if you want to know any other tutorial also let us know.

Thank you: The TechJournal

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