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See the world's most interesting table tennis match! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk In the first part of January last year, one of the most interesting table tennis matches in the world was held in Taiwan. In this match, the audience could not help but laugh after seeing the players perform various exercises.


An exceptional and interesting match was held in history Chuang Chih-Yuan And Jean-Michel Saive in between Even though it was an exhibition match, the match suddenly became full of fun from the two stars. The audience enjoys it immensely.

After the video of the game was released on YouTube, it created quite a response. Many YouTube viewers enjoy this fun match.

The 1990 World No. 1 trailed 11-8 in the first half of the match Saiva The match started with some funny incidents. The spectators enjoyed it and even the referee couldn't stop laughing.

Chuang After seeing such funny actions of the opponent, he became a very serious person and showed some funny moves to the audience. There were about 30,000 visitors in the gallery at that time. The winner of this match gets 40 thousand dollars as a prize.

Watch the video:

Source: Thenextweb

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