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Humayun Ahmed, the renowned fiction writer, was laid to rest on the cool ground in the green shade of Lichu garden in Nuhas village.

Dhaka Times Report. Famous fiction writer Humayun Ahmed was laid to rest on the cool ground of Lichu Bagan of Nuhas Palli built by his own hands. According to his last wish, burial arrangements were made on July 24 at Nuhas Palli in Gazipur.
নুহাস পল্লীর লিচুবাগানের শ্যামল ছায়ায় শীতল মাটিতে চিরনিদ্রায় শায়িত হলেন নন্দিত কথাসাহিত্যিক হুমায়ূন আহমেদ 1
On the morning of July 24, the body of Humayun Ahmed, the great son of Bengali fiction, was taken from Bardem's mortuary to Nuhas Palli in Gazipur. Before the last funeral of the beloved man, a stream of clouds broke the sky and came down. The rain water became one with the tears of the bereaved relatives and well-wishers gathered in Nuhas village. Countless devotees, local dignitaries, common people and family members who came to bid farewell to Humayun Ahmed in the green surroundings of Nuhas Palli stood in queues and offered janaza prayers. This rain water came down as tears from the trees covered with green.

Humayun Ahmed (13-11-1948-19-7-2012) was buried in the Lichutala of that house after 15 years, in the presence of all his relatives. The burial begins. Eldest son Nuhash Ahmed shouldered his father's bed. He himself went down to the grave and laid his beloved father on the cool ground of the grave. He sprinkled a handful of soil and started the burial. Two children of the author's second wife, Nishad and Ninit, also buried their father's grave.

Before this, the writer's third and last funeral was held in the rain at half past one. Janaza was held twice at the Islamic Center in New York on July 20 and at the National Eidgah ground in Dhaka on July 23. Due to the heavy rain yesterday, the funeral could not be started after the Zohar prayer even after several attempts. Finally Nuhash Pallibha people performed the funeral while getting drenched in the rain. Local Imam Mujibur Rahman Munshi conducted the funeral. Nuhash performed Janaza while standing next to the imam. On this day he was wearing a blue Punjabi. At the end of Janaza, every person present in Nuhash village raised both hands and prayed for him with tearful eyes. No other Bengali has expressed such genuine respect and heart-rending love at the time of commemoration.

Friends publisher Alamgir Hossain, publisher Mazharul Islam, magician Jewel Aich and others who came to join the last journey of the writer were also crying at this time. Gazipur District Commissioner Md Nurul Islam, Gazipur Zilla Parishad Administrator Md Akhtaruzzaman, Gazipur-1 Constituency Member of Parliament Akam Mozammel Haque, Tongi Municipality Mayor Azmat Ullah Khan, Sripur Upazila Parishad Chairman Iqbal Hossain Sabuj, Gazipur Sadar Upazila paid their last respects by placing flowers on the author's coffin. Executive Officer Sabina Yasmin, Gazipur Additional Superintendent of Police Mostafizur Rahman, local Awami League and BNP leaders from all walks of life. Soon after Humayun's body entered Nuhash village, Shaon, Tahura Ali, Shaon's father Engineer Mohammad Ali and Shaon's relatives came in two Prado jeeps. All of them left Dhaka with a fleet of corpses.

Before that, Humayun's three children Nova, Sheila and Nuhash Ahmed reached there by micro bus and car at quarter past 12 noon. Brother another fiction writer Muhammad Zafar Iqbal, cartoonist Ahsan Habib, sister poet Nazrul Islam College retired vice principal Sufia Haider, Mumtaz Shaheed, brother's wife Yasmin Haque, Humayun's aunt Rezia Khanam, Anwara Begum and other family members were with him. Soon after they got out of the car, they entered the bungalow house of Nuhash Palli through the police cordon. At that time the journalists wanted to talk to them but got no chance. Family members declined to comment.

250 police, RAB and plainclothes detective police were deployed in the area yesterday for the security of Nuhash village. Many people came to Nuhas village to see him off for the last time. Everyone could not accept this premature death of their beloved man. Tears and rain water had become one.

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